Marco Stecchi

born 2 November 1928 Greve in Chianti

Stecchi as Rigoletto, 1968
Young pharmacy graduate Marco Stecchi was discovered by nobody less than Gino Bechi and Titta Ruffo – both were friends of his father. So he studied voice instead of taking over his father's pharmacy store, made his debut at the Teatro Nuovo in Milano in 1956 (as Marcello), and embarked on a career that took him to mostly secondary theaters all over the world – from Seattle to Prague, from Amsterdam to Johannesburg. At the center of his activity were the theaters of Florence and Ghent, where he had enormous success. He sang into the early 1980s.

Reference and picture source: Stecchi's website

Marco Stecchi sings Rigoletto: Sì, vendetta with Hilda de Groote – and with repetition
In RA format
I would like to thank Georges Cardol for the recording.

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