Mužek was born in Germany from Yugoslavian foreign workers, but raised in Ludbreg, Croatia. He
studied voice in Vienna, where he had also his first contract at the Staatsoper (for very small roles), in 1999. He went on to
sing leading roles in Bremen from 2000 to 2002, whereupon he embarked on an international career.
Particularly closely associated with the Semperoper Dresden, he appeared also at La Scala, the Paris Opéra, the Staatsoper Berlin,
the Bolshoj in Moscow, the Teatro Real in Madrid, the Arena di Verona, the Salzburg Easter Festival, the Volksoper Vienna, in Munich,
Hamburg, Florence, Naples, Bologna, Torino, Genova, Tokyo, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Geneva, Zürich, &Satilde;o Paulo, and in 2023 at the
Bayreuth Festival (as Erik). A career clearly beyond his qualities!
Some of his roles: Don Ottavio, Tamino, Edgardo, Nemorino, Lenskij, Rodolfo, Pinkerton, Cavaradossi, Don José, Alfredo, Don Carlo,
Florestan, Lohengrin, Stolzing, Max, Königssohn (in Humperdinck's Königskinder).
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