René Hémon
La Juive at Besançon February 16th, 1964
René Hémon (Léopold), Pierre Morlier (Brogni), Tony Poncet (Eléazar), Hélène Piroird (Eudoxie), Marcelle Dupont (Rachel)
René Hémon started his career in the 1960s as an opera and operetta tenor with some incursions
into Grand Opéra with works such as Guillaume Tell, made possible since 1960 by Tony Poncet.
Later, he set up a company organizing concerts in Paris, and the North of France.
He continued
that activity until his death in May 2002. The photo of La Juive is very rare.
Paganini in Douai, 12 December 1982
I wish to thank Claude Ribou for the picture, programs and notes.