André Burdino

3 February 1891 Comblanchien – 7 July 1987 Saint-Cloud
Burdino familiarized himself with opera very early as his Italian father sang operatic arias at home.

However, he wanted to become a sculptor. He moved to Paris to work at a sculptor workshop in Boulogne-sur-Seine to learn the trade. During a performance of Manon at the Opéra-Comique, he realized that he wanted to be a singer.

Burdino studied singing with the Archimbaud brothers. He went to auditions, but the war put a stop to his career.

He is drafted in 1915 as a medic and is sent to Verdun. He is discharged in 1917 and starts again to study singing.

He made his debut in 1918 at the Théâtre Moncey in Paris as Ange Pitou in La fille de Madame Angot.

This is the start of a long career, singing both in French and Italian. He married the soprano Elen Dosia, singing many times with her, especially in the US.

He retired in 1955 at sixty-four years old, after marrying a younger woman. His spouse had a store in the XV arrondissement in Paris. He worked there for the next 23 years. He finally retired when he was eighty-five years old. He moved to Le Cannet. He died in his Saint-Cloud flat at the age of 96.

His career evolved as follows:

He sang in several Parisian theaters, then in Rouen and Strasburg in light repertory: La fille de Madame Angot, Les dragons de Villars, La fille du régiment.

After a tour to Vittel, Contrexeville, Trouville, Gérardmer, he is hired by the Théâtre Royal in Ghent. He meets Vina Bovy, who will be his partner until the end of 1920s. He sang sixty times during the 1920/21 season.

At the opera in Ghent, he has a great success with Mârouf savetier du Caire. He made his debut at the Gaîté-Lyrique in Paris as Almaviva, then sang La vivandière and La Juive.

With Vina Bovy, he is hired at the Vieux Théâtre in Pau for the 1921/22 season, singing forty performances.

Burdino and Vina Bovy are hired by the Gaîté-Lyrique for the 1922/23 season. He made guest appearances in Blankenberg, Spa and Oostende. He signs his first contract with the Monnaie for the 1922/23 season, where he made his debut in Carmen. He sang also in Liège, Antwerp, Mons and Verviers. In December, he sang his first Manon.

Burdino made his debut at the Opéra-Comique in Carmen with Marthe Chenal. He made also his debut at the Opéra français in Antwerp. He sang in Nancy, Lyon, Toulouse and Nice. He made his debut in Marseille during the opening season of the new opera, rebuilt after the 1919 fire. In Marseille, he sang Werther and José. During his Monnaie season, he sang ten performances per month, appeared in the revival of Armide and created La habanera, Sorochinskaja jarmarka and La vida breve.

Burdino sang in Lyon, Nice and Bordeaux, Madama Butterfly at the Opéra-Comique, and the season at the Monnaie.

Season in Marseille: Werther, Carmen, Manon. Les contes d'Hoffmann, Sapho; Oostende, Blankenberg and Spa.

Italian debut in Brescia in Manon. Debut at the Liceu with Vina Bovy, he will sing there seven seasons. He his hired by the Compagnia Lirica Italiana for a South American tour: Colón in Buenos Aires (Manon), Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo (Manon, Carmen, La traviata, La bohème and Tosca)

Italian tour: Piacenza, Cremona, Padova, Modena, Genova, Parma (not listed in the Parma chronology, Torino, Napoli. France: Opéra-Comique, Lyon (Grand Théâtre), Nice; then Antwerp.
Marseille: three-month season (Carmen, Werther, Manon, Roméo et Juliette, La bohème, Rigoletto, Tosca).

Covent Garden debut as Roméo at Covent Garden (he will sing there for six years).
Debut in Czechoslovakia: Prague, Bratislava. (From 1929 to 1938, he sang regularly in Belgrade, Zagreb, Prague, Brno, Bratislava, Mariánské Lázně, and Karlovy Vary.)
Sang also in Lyon, Montpellier and Italy.

France: Avignon, Tours, Grenoble, Bordeaux, Lyon, Toulon, Marseille, Paris, Opéra-Comique.
Antwerp, Ghent, Vienna, Algiers and Tunis.

Belgium: Théâtre Français in Antwerp, where he sang until 1933.
Lyon: Lohengrin.
Stadttheater in Graz, Volksoper and Staatsoper (José on 2 July and Rodolfo on 5 July) in Vienna, Karlovy Vary, Zagreb (Carmen, Werther), Covent Garden.

On January 9th, he made his debut at the Opéra in Roméo et Juliette.
Antwerp: Roméo et Juliette, as well.
For the first time, he appears in concert in Lyon and Paris (Gaveau). He will give concerts until 1950.
Prague (Werther, Manon, La bohème and Carmen).
Marseille, Bordeaux (Roméo), Grenoble (Le jongleur de Notre-Dame), Toulon (Werther, Carmen, Manon, Tosca, La bohème, Rigoletto, Roméo and Lakmé), Algiers, Tunis, Oran, Casablanca, and Eastern Europe.

Marseille, Opéra-Comique, Aix-les-Bains, Reims, Nantes, Toulouse, Lyon, Bordeaux, Marseille, Liège, Vienne, Antwerp, Charleroi, Liège, Mons, Namur, Spa, Verviers.
At the Théâtre Antique d'Orange, he adds Orphée by Gluck to his repertory.
Concert at the Salle Rameau in Lyon.
At the Theatre de la Gaîte-Lyrique on 29 October, he sang in the premiere of Schön ist die Welt (La chanson du bonheur) by Franz Lehár. He will sing it 120 times.
Berlin, Tosca around May/June 1934.

Marseille: April, October, November, December.
Opéra: La traviata, Rigoletto and Lohengrin.
Oostende, Prague, Reims, Toulouse, Nice, Toulon, Marseille, Bordeaux, Lille, Montpellier, Lyon, Vichy.
Concert at the Salle Pleyel in Paris.

London: Les contes d'Hoffmann, Orphée, Carmen, Tosca, Roméo et Juliette, La traviata.
Bucharest, Sofia, Budapest, Prague.
Burdino made his US and Canadian debuts during a five-week tour with Elen Dosia.
Chicago, Civic Opera: La traviata, Manon, Lakmé and Mignon.

He sang in the USA during those three years: Chicago, New York, Philadelphia, Baton Rouge; plus in Canada (Montréal).
Chicago Civic Opera: Les contes d'Hoffmann, La traviata, Lakmé, Manon, Roméo, Carmen.
At the Monnaie until the German invasion.

During the war, he is hired by the Opéra-Comique for the 1940–42 seasons, but having refused to create Palestrina at the Opéra before a German audience, he is fired. He then sang in Bordeaux, Besançon, Dijon, Saint-Étienne, Saint-Chamond, Marseille (Werther, Carmen, La damnation de Faust, Grisélidis, Pagliacci, Les contes d'Hoffmann, Lohengrin).

Bordeaux, Lyon, Besançon, Dijon, Rouen, Saint-Étienne, Saint-Chamond, Nice, Opéra (Aïda 1949).
Ghent, Liège, Verviers (Les contes d'Hoffmann), La Monnaie (Roméo, Faust), Genève, Lausanne, Bern, Saarbrücken and Tunis.

Manila (recitals in September), Metz, Rouen, Nice, Bordeaux (Lohengrin), Marseille (Pagliacci, his last).

Lille (Le roi d'Ys), Marseille (Hérodiade, March 1951), Opéra-Comique (Werther, Madama Butterfly, Louise).

Opéra-Comique (Madama Butterfly, six times), Monnaie (Carmen on 4 December, last performance).

His partners included: Martha Angelici, Maryse Beaujon, Géori Boué, Vina Bovy, Yvonne Brothier, Marthe Chenal, Marie Delna, Marcelle Denya, Renée Doria, Elen Dosia, Germaine Feraldy, Fanny Heldy, Suzanne Juyol, Victoria de los Angeles, Grace Moore, Eide Noréna, Germaine Pape, Lily Pons, Gabrielle Ritter-Ciampi, Bidu Sayão, Ninon Vallin, Geneviève Vix, José Beckmans, René Bianco, Ernest Blanc, Jean Borthayre, Roger Bourdin, Paul Cabanel, Michel Dens, Xavier Depraz, Cesare Formichi, André Huc-Santana, Marcel Journet, Jean-Émile Vanni-Marcoux, Robert Massard, Camille Maurane, Pierre Nougaro, André Pernet, Ezio Pinza, Léon Ponzio, Lawrence Tibbett, Humbert Tomatis, ...

Conductors he sang under included: Ernest Ansermet, Thomas Beecham, André Cluytens, Pierre Dervaux, Georges Lauweryns, Ettore Panizza, Paul Paray, Wilfrid Pelletier, Henri Tomasi, Albert Wolff...
Reference: (defunct)

André Burdino sings Manon: En fermant les yeux

André Burdino sings Rigoletto: Comme la plume au vent

André Burdino sings Mignon: Elle ne croyait pas
In RA format

Parlophone, Paris, 18 January 1932
138625-3           Rigoletto: Qu'une belle                                      29.959
138626-4           Rigoletto: Comme la plume au vent                            29.959

Parlophone, Paris, 18 April 1932
138754-1           Manon: Ah! fuyez, douce image, pt 1                          unpublished
138754-2           Manon: Ah! fuyez, douce image, pt 1                          29.558
138755-1           Manon: Ah! fuyez, douce image, pt 2                          29.558

Parlophone, Paris, 10 June 1932
95635              Roméo et Juliette: Salut, tombeau				?

Parlophone, Paris, 21 June 1932
95636              Roméo et Juliette: Ah léve toi soleil			59.555
95637              Mignon: Elle ne croyait pas					?

Parlophone, Paris, 9 December 1932
138961             Manon: Le rêve                                         	29.563
138962             Tosca: O douces mains                                        29.563
95639              Martha: Air des larmes					59.557

Parlophone, Paris, November (?) 1932
                   Berceuse du film Une voix qui meurt (Goublier)
                   Venise qui chante du film Une voix qui meurt (Goublier)			

                   Schön ist die Welt (Lehár): Je vivrai pour toi     		524128
                   Schön ist die Welt (Lehár): La chanson du bonheur          	524128
Gramophone, London, 1930 (piano Miss M. Rutland)
Cc 19823-1         Carmen: Il fior                                              unpublished
Bb 19824-1         Manon:  En fermant les yeux                                  unpublished

Radio Genève  June 11, 1945
                   Lydia (Fauré)
                   Berceuse (Gretchaninov)			
Live recording, Geneva, November 1945
Complete Faust with Geori Boué, Roger Bourdin and Paul Cabanel
Discography source: (great site, alas defunct)

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