Henri Mégret
In 1942, Mégret took part in the final of a tenor competition. It took place at the Opéra on February 17th and was organized by Comœdia, and by La voix de son maître. The jury was composed of: John O'Sullivan, Jane Bourguignon, Claire Croiza, Germaine Lubin, Magne, Germaine Martinelli, Alfred Bachelet, Jean Bérard, Pierre Bernac, Louis Beydts, Jean Bourdon, Roger Bourdin, F. Bousquet, René Chauvet, René Delange, Delvincourt, Francell, Paul Franz, Fribourt, Paul Gregorio, Arthur Honegger, Georges Jouatte, Aymé Kunc, Lafollye, de Laromiguière, Dr. Le Mée, Georges Linor, Vanni-Marcoux, Mitzakis, Mauret-Lafage, Muratore, Jen Périer, Proton de la Chapelle, Georges Pioch (secretary), Poplawski, Razavet, Georges Ricou, F. Ruhlmann, Thomas-Salignac, Georges Thill, Roger Thirel, Georges Viseur, Emile Vuillermoz, Dr. Wicart. The winners in order were Henri Mégret (Aida), Brégerie (Guillaume Tell), and for the third place René Rotteleur (Roméo et Juliette) and Michel Hamel (Mignon). Hamel had a comprimario career and Mégret had a great career. As a bonus of winning the competition, he recorded one record that has not been seen as far as I know, except for one collector who did not know the name of Mégret and as it was a 78 not collected by the man, he therefore left it at the flea market. The poor man told the story to the collector Georges Voisin. Some tenors that participated and did not get any prize, but had a career, were: Roger Yacazzi, Raymond Amade, Guy Fouché, and Jean Michel. Discography Pathé CPTX.590 (matrix number) Aida (Verdi): Ô céleste Aïda unpublished Orchestre Lamoureux, Eugène Bigot recording date: 11 May 1944 Place: Paris, Studio Albert CPTX.591 (matrix number) Sigurd (Reyer): La bruit des chants s'éteint unpublished Orchestre Lamoureux, Eugène Bigot recording date: 11 May 1944 Place: Paris, Studio Albert I want to thank Christian Torrent for the discography. I want to thank Georges Cardol for the pictures (bottom two). |