Gérard Roblin

Gérard Roblin sings Tosca: Je vous sauverai, with Gérard Chapuis
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Gérard Roblin sings Tosca: Victoire! Victoire!
In RA format
Gérard Roblin organized performances in the 1970s. He programmed a series of Tosca with him singing Cavaradossi. His singing is incredibly bad to say the least. Roblin was arrogant enough to hire Bianco as Scarpia.

He also presented music shows, at least until 1998. And he played a secondary role in a 1963 TV version of Manuel Rosenthal's operetta La poule noire. What else he did in life, I don't know; hopefully something more fruitful...

I would like to thank Claude Ribou for the recordings (Saint Quentin 1977) and notes.

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