Picture of Enrico Caruso in 1903 before his MET's debut
Enrico Caruso in 1903 before his Met debut

Picture of Enrico Caruso as Duca

Picture of Enrico Caruso as Canio

Picture of Enrico Caruso with tennis racket
Picture of Enrico Caruso

Picture of Enrico Caruso with cigarette

Picture of Enrico Caruso (private)

Picture of Enrico Caruso's Eternamente record label
Eternamente record label

Picture of Enrico Caruso's Testa adorata record label
Testa adorata record label, composer wrongly labelled Puccini
I wish to thank Vladimir Efimenko for the picture (tennis racket).
I wish to thank Thomas Silverbörg for the pictures (Duca, private, with cigarette).