Picture of Franco Pagliazzi-1963 Plovdiv 27 june 1963  Very first Rigoletto of Franco Pagliazzi-with TOTI DAL MONTE 70 Birthday
Plovdiv, 27 June 1963: very first Rigoletto of Franco Pagliazzi – with Toti Dal Monte (70th birthday)

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi's Broadside in Fedora 1960
Major role debut (before, he had only sung a small part in Firenze in May 1960, in Cherubini's Elisa) with Prevedi and Santunione (her debut!!!!!)

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi during a concert in Mantova 1983
Marc Alexander in concert in Mantova 1983 (he opened the concert with a great Celeste Aida). It was a recital with Luciana Serra and Aldo Protti who sang with Alexander Invano, Alvaro. At the piano is the 80-year-old maestro Ettore Campogalliani.

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi  in Firenze 1971 with Muti
Franco Pagliazzi in Firenze 1971 under Muti's baton

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi  in in 1992
Franco Pagliazzi in 1992

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi's Broadside in Sofia 1971
Sofia 1971: Trovatore with Nikola Nikolov and Rigoletto with Nikolai Zdravkov

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi Forza's broadside
Como, Teatro Sociale, 25 November 1979

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi with Luigi De Corato
Como, Teatro Sociale, 25 November 1979 with Luigi De Corato

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi in Forza
Como, Teatro Sociale, 25 November 1979 in Forza

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi Gioconda's Broadside
Liceu, Barcelona, 26 November 1978 in Gioconda

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi in Gioconda 1978
Liceu, Barcelona, 26 November 1978 in Gioconda

Picture of Franco Pagliazzi in Trovatore 1983
Manrico 1983
I want to thank Alessandro Pagliazzi for the pictures and broadsides.