Bernardo Bernardi
He was born Leib Berek Vogelnest. Already as a child, he moved to Italy, where he grew up in humble circumstances. He then lived in Switzerland as a carpet dealer, and studied voice with Hans Rogorsch in Zürich from 1905 on. Zürich was also where he made his debut after just one year of studies, in 1906. He stayed at the Zürich Stadttheater until 1913; his roles included Narraboth, Bacchus, Lenskij, Manrico, Don Carlo, Turiddu, Canio, Rodolfo, Pinkerton, Wilhelm Meister, Alfredo, Radames and Italienischer Sänger. ![]()
Diskographie Gramophone, Zürich, October 1906 4760h Pagliacci (Leoncavallo): Hüll dich in Tand nur 3-42662 4761h Rigoletto (Verdi): Freundlich blick' ich 3-42663 4762h Das Zauberlied (Meyer-Helmund) 3-42664 4763h Verbotener Gesang (Gastaldon) 3-42665 4764h Still ruht der See (Pfeil) 3-42666 4765h Das Edelweiß (Peuschel) 3-42667, X-22817, 242000, 10833, 12127 Gramophone, Zürich, July 1908 4779r Das Rütli (Greith) 4-42128, 522162 4781r Ihr Berge, lebt wohl (trad) 4-42126 4782r Wie die Blümlein draußen zittern (trad) X-22920 4783r Das Schweizerland (Melm) 4-42145 4810r Agathe (Abt) 4-42146 4811r Es geht bei gedämpfter Trommeln Klang (Silcher) X-22963 4812r Gute Nacht, mein holdes süßes Mädchen (Meyer-Helmund) X-22919, 10860 4813r Herzliebchen mein unterm Rebendach (Conradi) X-22965, 10871 4814r Verlorenes Glück (Malo) X-22966, 19871 4815r Der Schweizer (Silcher) X-22964 Many thanks to Anton Bieber for the recordings and label scans as well as the discography. |