Pavel Ivanovich Chekin

Pavel Ivanovich Chekin was born in 1912 in Zlatoust in the Cheljabinsk region. He worked first as a turner, then as a loader, in the peat and in the fish industries. Since 1929, Chekin was an indispensable member of a blue-collar music ensemble.

He finished his musical studies at the Moscow conservatory in 1936.

He made his debut as Tamino at the concert hall of the House of the Union. Since 1936, he sang at the Leningrad Small (Malij) Opera Theater.

During the war, he sang in army collectives and hospitals. During the blockade, he gave 220 concerts. As a result, he was awarded the Red Star, and the medals "For services during battle", "For the defense of Leningrad", and "For the defense of the polar region".

From 1942 to 1958, Chekin was a soloist at the Bolshoj where he sang 25 parts such as: Lenskij, Levko, Duca, Alfredo, Fenton, Almaviva, Vladimir Igorevich and Vašek. He gave solo concerts behind the polar circle for the participants of an Arctic expedition "North pole-4".
Reference 1
Reference 2

Pavel Chekin singsLa belle Hélène: Au Mont Ida, in Russian

Pavel Chekin sings Nas volja Stalina vela (Stalin will guide us, by Muradeli), with Maksim Mikhajlov
In RA format

Pavel Chekin singsSadko: Ne schest almazov v kamennykh pishcherakh (Song of the Indian Guest)
I wish to thank Vladimir Efimenko for the pictures, the recording (Sadko), and for his help in preparing the biography.
Source for the Belle Hélène recording: Yuri Bernikov's outstanding website Russian Records.

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