Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov's record label
pirate label

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov's record label
pirate label

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov's record label
pirate label

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov's record label
pirate label

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov in 1937
in 1937

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov as German

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov as Lenski

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov  as Max

Picture of Alexander Mihailovitch Davidov  as Mime
Source for the record labels: Russian Records, extraordinary site.
I wish to thank Vladimir Efimenko for the pictures (6).
I wish to thank Helmut Krautschneider for the picture (autographed).