Valerij Grigoryevich Egudin


Picture of Valery Grigoryevich Egudin
Picture of Valery Grigoryevich Egudin
Picture of Valery Grigoryevich Egudin's memorial
Picture of Valery Grigoryevich Egudin's coffin
Picture of Valery Grigoryevich Egudin
Egudin was born on August 29, 1937 in Podilsk (then called Kotovsk) near Odessa into a blue collar family.

Egudin finished the Glinka Conservatory in Novosibirsk in 1965, where he studied with A. P. Zdanovich and L. Ja. Khinchin.

1961–1963, he was in the artist support staff of the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre. His debut was as Preacher in M. Magidenko's "Tropoju groma/The path of thunder" in 1961.

From 1963 to 1992, Egudin was a soloist at the Novosibirsk opera.

From 1976 to 1992, Egudin was also the director of the solo singing department of the Novosibirsk Glinka Conservatory and became professor in 1984. During his tenure, he developed a course History of vocal art.

In 1992, Egudin became director of the Novosibirsk opera. He retired in 2001.

Egudin was also a stage director and staged Otello (1996) and Pikovaja dama (1998).

His repertory (about 60 roles) included: Grigorij, German, Cavaradossi, Don Carlo, Prince, Pyer Bezukhov, Vakula, José, Sadko, Radames, Oleg Bajan (Klop by Lazarev), Manrico, Canio, Steuermann, Vasja (Alkina pesnja by Georgij Ivanov), Otello (his Otello was called one of the best in the USSR), des Grieux (Manon Lescaut), Jontek, ....

In a 2002 interview, Egudin remembered that the most terrible thing that had happened to him on stage occurred during the premiere of "Vojna i mir/War and peace" at the Bolshoj. He was singing Pyer and forgot the words of the aria. The conductor Arnold Kats understood his trouble, and was trying to speak the words, but Egudin did not hear or see it. He started with his own words. However, apparently nobody else did notice anything. When he went backstage, he could not stand, shaking badly and fell into a chair. It took him a long time to recover.

He conducted master classes at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Brno, and at the Academy of Music Heidelberg-Mannheim.

Egudin died on December 4, 2007 in Novosibirsk after a severe and prolonged illness. A memorial service took place on December 6. Thousands of townspeople attended in order to pay him tribute for the last time. His voice was heard during the memorial service.
Among his recordings is an LP dating from 1976:
Novosibirsk Opera soloists: Lidija Mjasnikova, mezzo-soprano; Vladimir Urbanovich, baritone; Zinaida Zakharova Didenko, soprano; Valerij Egudin, tenor
Novosibirsk Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, conductor A. Kats

Melodiya 10-07829-30
Recitative and Aria Ljubasha (Tsarskaja nevesta)
Cavatina Valentin (Faust)
Cavatina Figaro (Barbiere)
Arioso Tatul (Almast by A. Spendiarov)
Cavatina Aleko
Act 4 Manon Lescaut

There exists a video of Khrennikov's opera V burju (In the storm), filmed in 1977 at the Novosibirsk opera with Egudin and Zhukov. The cast is:
Frol Baev - M. Dejneko
Natalija - Z. Didenko
Andrej - Anatolij Zhukov
Aksinja - L. Mjasnikova
Lenka - Vladimir Vasilyev
Listrat - V. Urbanovich
Ljonka - Vladimir Vasilyev
Storozhev - A. Prudnik
Antonov - Valerij Egudin
Kosova - A. Bubnova
Afonka - I. Kruglov
Fedjusha - V. Sychev
Chirikin - I. Kosov
Lenin - G. Kostrov
Conductor: Boris Gruzin

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Valerij Egudin sings Pikovaja dama: Poluchish smertelnyj udar ty ot tretyevo

Valerij Egudin sings Manon Lescaut: Tutta su me ti posa ... Sola, perduta, abbandonata ... Fra le tue braccia, amore, with Zinaida Zakharova Didenko in Russian
In RA format
I wish to thank Vladimir Efimenko for his help.

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