Picture of Vladimir Viktorovich Ivanovsky in Boris, 1956
Boris, 1956

Picture of Vladimir Viktorovich Ivanovsky as German, 1951
German, 1951

Picture of Vladimir Viktorovich Ivanovsky in Halka, 1952
Halka, 1952

Picture of Vladimir Viktorovich Ivanovsky as Masalsky in Oktyabr, 1964
Oktjabr by Vano Muradeli, 1964

Picture of Vladimir Viktorovich Ivanovsky's LP

Picture of Vladimir Viktorovich Ivanovsky

Picture of Vladimir Viktorovich Ivanovsky

Picture of Vladimir Viktorovich Ivanovsky
Andrej Khovanskij
I wish to thank Vladimir Efimenko for the picture (second from bottom).
I wish to thank Harold Byrnes for the picture (bottom).