Mikhail Kachalov

Lyric tenor. Operetta singer.

Acclaimed Artist of the Russian Soviet Federal Socialistic Republic (1945). A member of the Communist Party since 1939.

Studied at the Moscow High Art and Technology College and at the same time at the music studio of M. P. Galperin. Took vocal lessons with Z. V. Agafonova, O. B. Ajgorn, R. I. Charov.

Sang in the choirs of the E. V. Potopchina Theater and the Dmitrov Theater.

In 1919, he started singing operetta. In 1927, he joined the troupe of the Moscow Operetta Theater and performed there until 1967.

Had a pure and tender tenor voice and a perfect feeling for the operetta genre. Among his best roles were Andrejka ("Svadba v Malinovke" by Boris Aleksandrov), Stepan ("Moja Gjuzel" by Aleksandrov), Andrej ("Bespokojnoe schastye" by Miljutin), Edwin ("Csárdásfürstin" by Kálmán), Mr. X ("Zirkusprinzessin" by Kálmán), Adam ("Vogelhändler" by Zeller), Jim ("Rose-Marie" by Friml and Stothart).

Mikhail Kachalov singsDer Zigeunerbaron: Ja, das alles auf Ehr', in Russian
Igor Milner has provided the recording and the biography: thank you!

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