Sergej Larin

Picture of Sergej Larin
Larin was born 9 March 1956 in Daugavpils, Latvia, into a Russian family. He studied in Vilnius (Lithuania) with Virgilius Noreika. Vilnius was also where he made his debut, in 1981. His Western debut took place at the Vienna State Opera in 1990, and from there, he quickly proceeded to every important opera house in the world: La Scala, Paris, the Bolshoj, Covent Garden, the Met, Buenos Aires, the Salzburg Festival, Beijing, Berlin and so forth.

Surprisingly, in the light of this great career, he kept a "home base", from 1992 to the end of his life, as a troupe member of the Slovak National Theater in Bratislava, a theater clearly below his level of excellence. He died in Bratislava, after a long illness, on 13 January 2008.

Sergej Larin sings Turandot: Nessun dorma
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Sergej Larin sings Don Carlo: Io vengo a domandar grazia alla mia regina, with Kallen Esperian
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Sergej Larin sings Majskaja noch: Gej! Khloptsy!

Sergej Larin sings Pikovaja dama: Ja imeni ejo ne znaju
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Sergej Larin sings Pikovaja dama: Prosti, nebesnoe sozdanye (Forgive me, bright celestial vision)

Sergej Larin sings Pikovaja dama: Chto nasha zhizn?

Sergej Larin sings Cherevichki: Slyshit li devitsa serdtse tvojo

Sergej Larin sings Evgenij Onegin: Ja ljublju vas, Olga (I love you, Olga)
I would like to thank Thomas Silverbörg for the recordings (Ja imeni ejo ne znaju, Don Carlo).
I would like to thank Algirdas Bagdonavičius for the other recordings.

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