Konstantin Pavlovich Lisovskij

Picture of Konstantin Pavlovich Lisovskij
Picture of Konstantin Pavlovich Lisovskij Picture of Konstantin Pavlovich Lisovskij Picture of Konstantin Pavlovich Lisovskij
Konstantin Pavlovich Lisovskij was born on October 22nd, 1932 in Leningrad.

In 1951, Lisovskij finished the Gorkij aviation technical school, and was sent to the factory. In 1953, Lisovskij finished the Chajkovskij conservatory in Moscow where he had studied for three years.

From 1954, he did his military service and sang in the Aleksandrov Ensemble. From 1965 to 1997, he was a soloist at the Moscow State Academic Philharmonic Society.

In 1967, Lisovskij graduated from the Gnesin State Musical College (G. G. Aden's class). Lisovskij was a laureate of the All-Union Glinka Competition of Vocalists (1965) and the International Chajkovskij Competition (1966).

1980, he started teaching at Gnesin (associate professor since 1989, professor 1998). Lisovskij sang a wide repertoire beyond opera, and performed in more than 30 countries.

His repertoire included: music from ancient masters to modern works, from national songs of different countries to operatic parts. Among others: Missa Solemnis, Beethoven's 9-th symphony, Mozart's and Verdi's Requiems, Britten (Military requiem), Bruckner (Te Deum, Händel's Messiah, masses by Rossini and Puccini.

He has performed on the radio, and recorded on LP and CD, for example Vakula (Cherevichki), Shujskij, Levko, Sviridov's vocal cycles, romances by Rachmaninoff, Chajkovskij, Borodin, etc.
For the above notes and pictures: reference 1, reference 2

Lisovskij was mainly a concert tenor whose career was spent for the major part in the troupe of the opera company of the All-Union Radio in Moscow.

Lisovskij was named People's Artist in 1983, not of the USSR but of the Russian Republic.

In 1965, Lisovskij made his debut at Moscow with the Philharmonic Orchestra.

Lisovskij was hired by Radio Moscow after having participated in the Glinka competition in 1965 (6th place), and the Chajkovskij competition in 1966 (3rd place).

In 1967, Lisovskij's first records were published (Chajkovskij romances, arias from Pikovaja dama). Lisovskij has taken part in two complete recordings: Majskaja noch and Cherevichki.

The press talked surprisingly very little about him. Lisovskij is not even listed in the 1985/86 version of the Russian Music Encyclopedia.
Jean-Paul Williart

I wish to thank Vladimir Efimenko for his help for putting together this material.
Konstantin Lisovskij singsOtello: Niun mi tema
In RA format
Konstantin Lisovskij singsPikovaja dama: Prosti, nebesnoe sozdanye (Forgive me, bright celestial vision)
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Konstantin Lisovskij singsCherevichki: Slyshit li devitsa serdtse tvojo

Konstantin Lisovskij singsKorobejniki

Konstantin Lisovskij singsMajskaja noch: Gej! Khloptsy!
In RA format
I wish to thank Vladimir Efimenko for the recordings (Cherevichki, Korobejniki).

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