Gavriil Alekseevich Morskoj

The real name of Gavriil Morskoj was Janchevetskij. Gavriil Morskoj was born on March 23rd, 1862 into a Russian family in the Chernihiv province (Ukraine). During his childhood, Morskoj sang in a choir in the area of Kiev. Gavriil Morskoj finished the Chernihiv grammar school and then went to the St. Petersburg Capella. He studied singing during in 1882–89 at the Petersburg conservatory with Everardi, Gabel and Palechek. In 1889, Morskoj made his opera debut in Odessa, where he stayed until 1892, then sang in Kiev (1892–95). 1895–1906, Gavriil Morskoj was at the Mariinskij Theater (Radames, José, Raoul, Lenskij). Morskoj had a strong voice with a range up to high C. His repertory was around 50 roles, among them: Sobinin, German, Samson, Vodemon, Werther, Jean de Leyde. Morskoj went on tour in England. All his records are rare. He died on December 26th, 1914 in St. Petersburg.
Gavriil Morskoj sings Evgenij Onegin: Ja ljublju vas, Olga (I love you, Olga)
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Gavriil Morskoj sings Die Walküre: Winterstürme wichen dem Wonnemond , in Russian
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Gavriil Morskoi sings Pskovitjanka: Raskukujsja ty, kukushechka
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Gavriil Morskoj singsSadko: Zaigrajte, moi guzelki!
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Gavriil Morskoj singsSadko: Vysota li, vysota podnebesnaja
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I wish to thank Vladimir Efimenko for the biographical notes and recordings (Sadko, Pskovitjanka).
Source for Ja ljublju vas, Olga: Russian Records.

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