Vladimir Ivanovich Shcherbakov

born 7 July 1939 Ashgabat (Turkmenistan)

Picture of Vladimir Ivanovich Shcherbakov
Vladimir Ivanovich Shcherbakov studied at the Saratov conservatory with F. E. Gartsman. He graduated in 1968.

The same year, Shcherbakov became a soloist at the Saratov Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Saratov conservatorySaratov opera

In 1975, Shcherbakov moved to the Kirov in Leningrad and stayed there until 1977.

From 1977 to 1991, Shcherbakov sang at the Bolshoj.

His repertory included among others: Sobinin, Grigorij, Vladimir, German, Vodemon, Sadko, Duca, Manrico, Radames, José, Canio, Cavaradossi, ...

From 1987, Shcherbakov taught singing at the Russian Academy of Music.

Shcherbakov recorded a complete Ivan Susanin (the Soviet remodeling of Zhizn za tsarja) with Evgenij Nesterenko, Bela Rudenko, Tamara Sinjavskaja, Konstantin Baskov, Sergej Arkhipov and Vladislav Pashinskij. Unfortunately the aria Bratsi v metel was cut, as customary in that Soviet version of the opera.

Vladimir Shcherbakov singsPikovaja dama: Chto nasha zhizn?

Vladimir Shcherbakov singsZhizn za tsarja: Ne tomi rodimyj ... Ne vpervye russkim ljudjam, with Evgenij Nesterenko and Bela Rudenko

I wish to thank Vladimir Efimenko for the preparation of the biographical notes and the picture.

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